Book your
1st examination
+386 1 505 7163
Let’s meet. Book an exam.
We start with a conversation, to see if you and we are a good fit and can work together through our treatment process that guarantees the perfect result for your life.
Are you ready to take your smile to the next level? Give us a call at +386 1 505 7163 on workdays between 8 am and 1 pm or reserve your seat using the form at the bottom of this page.
First step
We have a strict protocol for moving forward with each case. That’s how we can guarantee that things happen on time and there are no surprises on the way. That’s how we guide you to healthy, long lasting, strong and beautiful teeth. It all starts with booking the first examination.
What you get
The 1st Exam costs 60 EUR and you will get:
Analiza rentgenskega posnetka (ortopan) in ugotovitev stanja ugriza ter obrabe.
Ocena potrebe za poravnavo zob ali restavracijo obrabe.
Ugotovitev tveganj za izgubo zob in ocena možnosti za nadomestitev manjkajočih zob.
Ocena tveganj za obolenja in ugotovitev možnosti za maksimalno izrabo biološkega potenciala ust, v smislu dolgoročnega ohranjanja lastnih zob in udobnega počutja med ugrizom.
Analiza obraznih razmerij ter predogled možnega idealnega nasmeha z metodo Digital Smile Design.
Select a time to come in for a first exam. We’ll go over where your teeth are worn or damaged, how the ideal end state would be and what is the best way to get there. It’s a 60 EUR charge you pay at booking. And you must send over an Panoramic x-ray before arrival, or we can’t proceed with the exam.
Studiodent office
Equipment by Danish supplier XO
Next step
After the First Exam, we will present you with the best path and options to achieve the right result for you. You’re in full control. If we decide working together feels right and you like the direction we propose, we’ll work out a precise plan and go for it.
How long it takes
Plan 50 minutes from start to finish.
What you need to do before booking
Before attending you need to take care of two things:
answer the introductory questions,
send us a Panoramic x-ray of your teeth at patients@studiodent.com.
If you don’t have an Panoramic x-ray, here’s where you can get it in Ljubljana>
RTG KALAN - Kotnikova 5, Ljubljana, Tel: +386 1 433 8551
RTG DRAVLJE - Bratov Babnik 10, Ljubljana, Tel: +386 518 2690
RTG RUDNIK - Ukmarjeva ulica 2, stavba C, vhod C1, Ljubljana, Tel: +386 01 600 4435
We have no affiliation with these service providers, but do have an agreement that they securely forward x-rays to us if you ask them to.
Start now by selecting a time bellow